Why is it essential to have a WCAG compliant website?
Everybody deserves to navigate the web realm, with ease.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards are important to ensure that your website is accessible to everyone, regardless of possible disabilities. This is not only of service to people with visual or hearing impairments— but also to those with physical or possible cognitive disabilities.
An accessible website is a website that can be navigated with ease, by everyone.
Websites that are intuitive, fast & secure will improve your online presence along with SEO ratings.
We make sure that every website we create is operational & easily usable.
By having your website accessible, you are ensuring that all people with disabilities have a smooth user experience and are able to easily access your information.
Everybody loves an easy-to-use website.
Make the web a better place for everybody.
All public sector websites are required by law to be compliant— avoid lawsuits and achieve universal accessibility.